COM 284 Principles of PR

Inspirations, deep thoughts, surprising insights, or random ideas on social media how it intersects PR.

The formula is not always the same

social-mediaThe road map to succeed in any social media platform can be subjective, but like with anything in life a good formula can be the catalyst for success. First of all, a systematic approach to the ways in which you look at social media marketing is crucial, but you have to take into consideration that type of medium you are taking into account. Therefore, no system will be the same. Your strategies and goals should not be the same between your advertising efforts for Facebook and Twitter. You must understand and respect the medium before you can set out to deliver a message that will start conversations.

Regina offers us an insight to look at social media plans as a series of proposed actions that produce specific results. It is in hopes that by doing this you can increase interactions, add value to the company or organization, prevent hazards and much more. It is important to be cohesive and current with your strategies in order to seek out the most visibility. You must always take into account current trends to be able to capitalize on moments that can go viral in social media.

Regina begins to to express in chapter 13 what is needed in the social media plan by taking a hybrid approach which include a situation statement, objectives, audience, strategy, tactics, timeline and budget. Again, like any process in advertising it starts with outlining the objectives of the company in order to fully understand what they are after. You must define the audience that you are trying to reach in order to compile a list of objectives for the campaign. The strategy will come next as part of the actual process that will need to take place in order to reach the given objectives. Finally the tactics themselves with be the specific mediums in which you plan to get people to share, optimize,manage and engage. The timeline will than guideline how the objectives of the campaign are executed and the budget will determine for what can be implemented or not.

It is important to always evaluate the efforts you put into practice to determine what resonates with your public and what may not have attracted as many views or likes. Marketing is a number game and you must always be able to provide forward thinking results that will keep executives invested in your efforts. Lastly, analyzing campaigns and the way they go through this process is one of the most beneficial ways to learning from past mistakes and trying to recreate magic.


Luttrell, Regina. Social Media: How to Engage, Share, and Connect. New York: Rowman and Littlefield, 2015. Print.

About scervantes16

I am a photographer and cinematographer from Nashville, TN currently in Tampa, FL.

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This entry was posted on October 28, 2015 by in Chp 13: The Roadmap to Success and tagged , .
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